Saturday, March 28, 2009

Iran's New 'Spy Drones' Take To The Skies

From Radio Free Europe - Radio Liberty:
The Pentagon confirmed on March 16 that the U.S. military shot down one of Iran's unarmed drone planes in Iraqi airspace in February. There were no casualties.

Drones are being used for an increasing number of missile and surveillance missions. In December, Iran launched a new generation of "spy drones," which can take real-time surveillance over enemy terrain. Some have a range of 2,000 kilometers, an Iranian air force officer told the press last month.

"The Washington Times" noted in an editorial that Iranian planes can now "soar over every U.S. military installation, diplomatic mission, or country of interest in the Middle East,"

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Iran's New 'Spy Drones' Take To The Skies

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